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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2024

Safe and Effective Dead Skin Exfoliation Formula

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Currently, there are numerous types of exfoliating cosmetics that support the skincare process of women. However, sometimes the cosmetics available on the market that use abrasive chemicals can weaken your skin by causing excessive peeling of the epidermis layer. Natural exfoliating methods using food below will help you always have bright, soft skin without worrying about damaging it. 1. Avocado This is the ideal fruit to remove dead cells and treat blackheads. Crush one avocado of medium size to form a paste with a thick consistency like a face mask. Apply this mixture on your face and start massaging gently. Leave it on for about 20 minutes for the vitamin E in avocados to penetrate the skin, then rinse with cold water or simply wipe with a soft cloth. 2. Tomato   Wash a tomato thoroughly, leave the stem intact, use a knife to make a cut at the stem. Pour sugar onto a plate, dip the tomato slice in it to make the sugar stick, then rub it all over your face. Mass

The Ultimate Guide to Spotless Cleaning in 15 Minutes

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1. Clean up your jackets and shoes The main entrance area and hallway will be more pleasant for you to leave or return to when it is clean. Therefore, keep this area clean by hanging up jackets, raincoats, and organizing shoes in the right place after using them. 2. Open the window to welcome freshness How do you feel when you come home and find it stuffy? Surely it is uncomfortable! To avoid the hassle of getting rid of stuffiness every night, open the windows in the morning to let fresh air in. Just open the windows for 5-10 minutes, and the air inside your house will be different. Illustrative image 3. Consider the material of your sofa A sofa made of fabric is favored by many small families due to its affordability, style, and easy cleaning. With this material, your family can clean it daily by using a small vacuum cleaner. Alternatively, you can place a clean damp cloth on the surface of the sofa and gently pat it to remove dust. It’s that simple, just 5-10 minutes, a

The “Cancer’s Nightmare” Bumpy Fruit, Your Fresh and Exotic Delight!

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Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon or bitter cucumber, is one of the extremely healthy vegetables. However, it has a strong bitter taste that many people are reluctant to eat. Bitter gourd contains many vitamins, minerals, and fiber that help balance blood sugar, strengthen digestion, and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. With this ingredient, you can create many delicious dishes such as stir-fried bitter gourd with eggs, bitter gourd soup with snakehead fish, bitter gourd salad with dried shrimp… However, the most familiar and popular dish is stuffed bitter gourd with meat. Let’s learn how to make stuffed bitter gourd with meat with the simple recipe below. 1. Ingredients for stuffed bitter gourd with meat: – Bitter gourd: 2 fruits – Pork – Eggs: 1 egg – Seasonings: Soy sauce, salt, oyster sauce, sugar, cornstarch 2. Steps to make stuffed bitter gourd with meat: Step 1: Prepare the ingredients – After buying pork, wash it and cut it into medium-sized pieces. Then, mi

Fish Lovers Alert: Get Your Hands on This Amazing Deal – Extra Nutritious Fish with Wild Bird Nest and Affordable Ginseng!

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Fish is a healthy food that is good for your health. There are some types of fish below that are cheap but nutritious, so if you see them at the market, buy them immediately. Mackerel Mackerel is a type of fish that lives in schools, often found in rural areas and is inexpensive. In mackerel, we find protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium, fats and many other nutrients. The meat of mackerel is soft, easily digestible, suitable for children, the elderly, and those with poor digestive function. In particular, this fish also has the effect of blood enrichment and is good for the stomach. Sardine Sardines have a mild taste, white meat, low fat content, and taste delicious. Sardines are usually easy to catch. They have the habit of migrating in large schools. In the nutritional composition of sardines, there are a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are produced as DHA, an essential substance that plays an important role in brain development, enhances brain health, is good for

Boil Egg The Right Way: Add This Ingredient to Make It Perfectly Soft and Creamy

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Incredible tips for delicious and crispy boiled pork and white stomach How to choose good stomach First of all, to have a delicious boiled stomach dish, you need to choose a good and fresh stomach. When choosing a stomach, you should choose the head piece as it will not be bitter and more flavorful. Stomachs with a lot of yellow color inside the intestines should be avoided as they are old and bitter, and not tasty and chewy. How to clean the non-stinky stomach before boiling To have a delicious boiled stomach, you should clean the stomach properly. Many housewives often make a common mistake of being too clean, so they peel the stomach too carefully, making the stomach tough and less tasty. In addition, you do not need to open the stomach or squeeze it with salt, alcohol, or ginger to remove the smell. The reason is that the more you clean, the more impact it has, and the tougher the stomach will be, making the dish less attractive. To have a perfect and appealing dish, you just n

The Power of Parental Hugs: 5 Crucial Times to Embrace Your Child

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The loving embrace and comforting touch of parents provide immense strength. American linguist Albert Merribin’s research has shown that up to 93% of human interaction relies on nonverbal communication. Hugs have a miraculous power in our lives, as they transmit energy and provide comfort and encouragement. It is even more important for young children to receive hugs. If you give birth in a hospital and learn about skin-to-skin contact for newborns, you will understand the value of hugs. Hugs are still extremely important as children grow older. Unfortunately, many parents are unaware of the significance of this. Hugs make children feel loved and experience simple affection. Every child craves to be hugged by their parents every day. Even as they grow older and start using words instead of hugs, hugs still hold great importance. When we experience pain and hardships, hugs become invaluable, surpassing the impact of any other form of consolation. Scientific research has shown that hug

How to boil pork belly to be tender and flavorful, doubling the nutritional value

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How to choose pork belly at the market Pork belly is a cut of meat that has layers of meat and fat. There are two types of pork belly: the top part and the bottom part. The top part is the meat near the ribs with a lot of fat, thin and slightly tough meat, which can be greasy when eaten quickly. The bottom part is the meat under the belly of the pig, which contains muscle, so the meat is firm. It usually has 3-5 layers of marbled fat, tender and sweet meat, and is not greasy. It is recommended to choose this part as it will taste better when boiled. Pay attention to choose pork belly with a natural bright pink color, solid meat, and thin skin. When pressed, it should have good elasticity. Avoid buying meat that has changed color, has a strange smell, lacks elasticity, and feels soft and spongy. These are signs that the meat has been stored for a long time and may not be safe for consumption. After buying the pork belly, clean it by removing the hair, rubbing it with lemon and salt,

Does boiling meat help clean it better? Many experienced homemakers still give the wrong answer.

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Nowadays, the practice of raising pigs with industrial feed makes many people concerned when processing meat. Therefore, many people boil the meat in boiling water before cooking it. However, this practice does not help clean the meat. When the meat is put into boiling water, the sudden increase in temperature causes the meat fibers to contract, so everything is kept inside. Therefore, the act of boiling the meat in the first water and then discarding the water does not have the effect of cleaning as many people think. To clean the meat, it is best to soak it in a diluted saltwater solution to extract the blood and remove some impurities. You can also add a little white wine and ginger to the soaking water. However, if you want to boil the meat in water, you should start with cold water, but this method will make the meat lose its sweetness and not remove much impurities. Therefore, it is best to buy the meat and soak it in a diluted saltwater solution or ginger wine for about 30 minu

Not just salt and plain water: Add this to white heart, crispy on the outside, without losing to the outside with any sense

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Pork heart, a highly favored dish, has become an “icon of culinary” in the culinary culture, and there are many different ways to be creative with this ingredient. Among all the methods of processing pork heart, boiling pork heart is highly appreciated for its delicious taste and mouth-watering fat. Most people often buy processed pork hearts. However, buying ready-made pork hearts outside the market does not guarantee the origin and may pose a risk of bacterial infection harmful to health. For these reasons, many women have decided to buy live pork hearts to process them for their family’s enjoyment. So how to boil pork hearts so that the white part is crispy, soft and smooth, and not dry and tough? How to choose delicious pork hearts To have a delicious boiled pork heart dish, choosing and buying pork hearts properly is crucial. Take advantage of buying pork hearts at the market in the early morning, when the pigs are just being slaughtered, to ensure the freshness of the por

Smart Chef’s Tip: Add this to your fish stew for quick tender bones, firm, fragrant fish meat, not fishy.

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Cá kho is an enticing dish in Vietnamese cuisine. Kho nhừ xương is a technique that everyone loves. In the old days, we cooked on wood and straw stoves, so we would just simmer the fish and bury it in the pile of firewood, then the fish would be tender and fragrant. But nowadays we mainly cook on gas or electric stoves, so simmering the fish and bones will be more challenging. However, if you follow this method, the fish will be quickly tender, the pot of fish will not be fishy, and the fish will be flavorful and firm. Eating kho fish with bones is not only delicious but also nutritionally recommended because eating the bones helps to supplement calcium better. If you use a gas stove or electric pot to simmer the fish, to avoid the bones and fish becoming fishy, you should follow these steps: Prepare the fish properly To make kho fish delicious, the fish must be fresh with firm flesh. To prevent the fish from being fishy, you should rinse it with ginger wine, rub salt on it, and re

Unclog Pipes with This Easy Solution, No Need to Call a Plumber or Spend Money

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Clogged pipes are a common problem that every household faces. Instead of having to spend time and money calling a plumber, you can apply the following tips to clean the drains yourself. Clogged bathroom pipes Bathroom pipes are often clogged by hair and debris, causing blockages that can affect usage. To fix this, you can use a simple and effective method. Fold and twist a thick wire to create a flexible tool. Then, insert the wire into the drain and use it to twist clockwise and move deeper inside. When you encounter a blockage, gently pull the wire out to remove the hair and residue from the pipe. This will help restore the flow in the bathroom pipes. Clogged kitchen sink pipes In the case of clogged kitchen sink pipes due to grease and food debris, you don’t need to remove the pipes. Instead, use detergent powder. Simply pour an adequate amount of detergent powder into the pipe, then pour hot water. The detergent powder will help soften the build-up and effectively clean